Moving ...

Dear everyone,

after a two month hiatus I'm still into weight loss, I just had a really hard exam period which lasted 1,5 months. Now with all my exams done and my ankle seems to be okay I plan to continue my weight loss journey and hopefully running. I found tumblr easier and faster, so for more frequent updates I decided to move my blog to a different place. I think it's for the best, now with the last couple of pounds to lose I see new objectives in the weight loss journey and a fresh start can always be so motivating.

I'm catching up on your blogs soon, until then if you're still interested, you can find me here:

Hiatus Update

Dear Fellow Bloggers,

I haven't given up on weight loss, it's just life and a hard core exam period with unbelievable exams. I'm still keeping my eye on the goal, however, December and January have been all about weight maintaining so far. But, proud to be to announce that today I finally reached a milestone!

68.1kg / 149.8lbs

I really hope you guys are doing okay, posting again starts hopefully next week.
