The first run

So, I know I've been whining about running for a while and since my workouts got a bit neglected today I finally went for it. I found a quite nice 6 week training schedule for 5k, I plan to pursue that one.

It was ... great, but hard. Luckily my legs weren't that heavy as I expected so I could actually run, but it was tiring. I did a 10 minute warm up power walk to the lakes, then 8 times 1 min running 2 min walking. However, it occured to me many times if I ever could run again 10 minutes (I'm not that brave to write down 30 min) without stopping. Right now this seems so far away.

But I also came up with some conclusions for the next workout:
  • wear different pants. The one I wore today just wasn't designed for running.
  • don't wear my contacts. 'E' suggested this practical one in an email, and today I did realise her point. There were so many people out at the lakes today, just sitting and chatting and only a few runners. I don't care about them, but it's better not to see them. (:
  • my iPod shuffle was a great idea to buy. I had an iPod classic but in March I bought this for running. It's a shame it was its first time in action.
Okay, got to go back to study. :(